Kyle Sharp

Digital Marketing Manager

Image of Kyle, SEO specialist of the website, on a trail in the mountains of Argentina.

Seo specialist and Digital marketing manager

Kyle was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, where he took interest in flying at a young age. He obtained his pilot’s license on his 16th birthday, and by 18 he was working as a flight instructor. Kyle worked as a bush pilot for a while, flying people to Northern Manitoba, and started flying air ambulance by the age of 21. At 23, he began flying for the UN, and has done tours in Afghanistan, Sudan, the DRC, and Darfur.

In 2014, he and his best friend, also a pilot, decided it was time they take their skills from air to sea. With little to no sailing experience, they acquired a boat in Mexico and sailed it to Australia. They have since sailed extensively, including a journey to the Northwest Passage in 2018.

After returning home to ride out the Covid pandemic, Kyle turned to a career in crop-dusting – a short season, but highly dangerous way to make a living. During this time, he and his best friend also created an e-commerce business. After two seasons of crop dusting, Kyle decided to focus on the business and left flying behind.

To say that Kyle is a well-treveled person and man of many talents would be a gross understatement (although he would be too humbe to say that himself!) Kyle has been a true minimalist and wanderer for some time. To prepare for our nomadic lifestyle in 2022, all he had to do was donate a few things and leave one backpack of things with his parents and he was ready to go!

In August of 2023, he and his partner sold their online business, and now Kyle spends his days helping with this website, learning Spanish, reading, and planning his next big project!

"It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men (people) from living freely and nobly."- Bertrand Russell

Image of the author of the site with SEO specialist of website on a tram.
Image of the website SEO specialist in an open cockpit airplane.

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