About Us

We aim to make the world a more eco-friendly and sustainable place.

featured in:

Image of a turquoise lake surrounding by lush vibrant green grasses and towering mountains near Cusco, Peru.

Our Mission

We aim to simplify sustainability by providing you with the resources and knowledge to become successfully sustainable. Taking small steps and making eco-friendly swaps when necessary will eventually lead you to the sustainable lifestyle you desire. No one is expected to be perfect, and this includes living a perfectly sustainable lifestyle. As Margaret Mead said – “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Our Values

Here at Successfully Sustainable, we live by the Golden Rule – treat others as you wish to be treated. This kindness and respect is extended our fellow humans, animals, and to Mother Earth. We also value our word, meaning that all information on the site is thoroughly investigated and researched, and any product or brand recommended meets a strict set of sustainability guidelines. If you find any fault in our information or recommendations, please reach out to us.

Meet the Team

Image of the website author in the woods, smiling and giving a peace sign.

Julie Navitka

Teacher turned full-time adventure seeking, tree hugging, sustainable lifestyle advocate.

Kyle Sharp

Minimalist pilot turned business owner, and SEO and digital marketing specialist.

Follow Successfully Sustainable

we don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.

- Anne Marie Bonneau

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